
What is irritability?

Irritability is defined as an excessive sensitivity or lack of patience, especially to minor annoyances or setbacks. It can manifest as increased frustration, anger, temper, or lashing out.

Some key signs of irritability include:

Irritability differs from anxiety in that it refers more specifically to mood and temperament issues rather than persistent worry. It also differs from depression which tends to have more sadness, hopelessness, and lack of motivation.

What causes irritability?

There are many potential causes of increased irritability including:

If you struggle with increased irritability, have your hormone levels checked at Hormone Health Clinic. Suboptimal hormone balance could be contributing to mood instability. Their expert staff can help identify and treat hormonal causes of irritability.

Dealing with irritability

There are several effective ways to manage irritability when it occurs:

Talk to your doctor if you experience frequent or worsening irritability that interferes with your life. They can assess for underlying causes and provide personalized treatment recommendations. Lifestyle changes, therapy, or medication could help regulate mood.

I hope this overview on irritability was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions. Wishing you patience and peace.

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